Most of the time I was behind the camera for this quick (10 minutes) family portrait session. For the entire group we had to set the camera on it's timer so we could all be in together. We got lucky with our first attempt. As you can see everyone is smiling and actually looking at the unmanned camera. - the one chance was all we needed. =) Which was good because it was a wee bit chilly outside!
Anyway, let me introduce you to my family!
L-R: Sonny (one of our photographers), that's me (Monica, another photographer) with the long pink scarf, Kimberly (behind me who is a part time photographer/assistant), Robert (sitting next to me), Ryan (in the back), Cecelia (my youngest granddaughter), Heather and Amelia (hiding behind mom - oldest granddaughter)
My three generally aren't very co-operative and only tolerate having their photographs taken. They started calling me "Mamarazzi" when they were very young - grade school age.
Our oldest son, Robert with his daughters Amelia and Cecelia
Our daughter-in-law with Amelia (in black & white) and Cecelia.
Our granddaughters, Amelia and Cecelia.
I love this quick candid as I was setting up. Doesn't Heather (DIL) have a beautiful smile? They think I didn't notice but, I noticed that my son had pinched her butt and that's what got the natural smile. Sometimes you just need to be quick with the camera!
I hope you enjoyed our quick mini portrait session. I wish we had more time at the park but everyone was getting cold and hungry which doesn't make for an ideal portrait session.
Our 'Image of the Day' series will return on Monday the 8th of November.
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